Pandora's Box
Blogalicious - encore!


Time to take a moment and do a bit of channel surfing as I see what's going on with all the other magic blogs out there. If I've missed any, be sure to drop me a note in the comments box to let me know about them, and if you go out visiting yourself, let the other bloggers know who sent you!

Magic Interviews is still busy and active with recent chats with Ricky Jay and Teller (though they did go the easy way out offer audio versions with no text of those two interviews). Other recent interviews include Silly Billy, Eugene Burger, Jeff McBride, Andre Kole and Mat Unwin's evil clone David Oliver.

Ace of Spades blog (aka Scot's Magical Mystery Tour) keeps posting regularly with his adventures in performin magic.

People have been saying Glenn Bishop was stopping his blog, but he seems to be firing away more regularly than ever with tricks, routines and stories from his shows.

SwimSean is the "athletic side" of magician Sean Piper. He certainly posted a lot during the Commonwealth Games!

Brendan Croft keeps up regular postings with tales from his performances. It's fascinating to follow his development as a performer.

Mike King keeps up regular posting over at Wizard's Ball. He does seem a little grumpy from time to time, but his opinions are definite food for thought.

Tony Blanco at Hocus Pocus is keeping up his promise of weekly posts. Sure, the main aim is to sell you tricks, but he does offer tips and ideas as well.

Richard Osterlind runs a blog that is more a promotional tool for his products too, most recent posting was March 16.

Penguin Magic is another promotional blog and the level of energy in their posts is amazingly high! They remind me of Big "I'm excited!" Kev.

PeaceLove'sMusings is an interesting blog with it's latest posting being about South Africa's College of Magic.

Coming Through The Haze is an interesting one... he does post regularly!

Magic Mafia keeps on blogging, now in his third incarnation.

The Phantom Notebooks are fascinating reading for those interested in sleight of hand.

Cardopolis is a blog from David Britland filled with lots of tricks.

High on Magic tackles some controversial topics, and Magic Spank continues to do his best to shock as does CrazyManic.

Magic Utopia is a new blogger into bizarre magick.

Magic Bullets is into street magic, but his posts certainly cover a wide range of topics.

Steve Fearson's blog is very much an echo of the man himself.

Intensely Magic seems to be down to one post a month, not bad for someone as cranky as he claims to be. His latest post is about watching a show by Dan Sperry.

Andster at I, Magician tells in his latest post about he's going to be arrested!

Chet keeps up a regular output over at Chet's Mysteries as he discusses a lot of technique.

Scott at Grey Matters has a fascinating collection of posts especially interesting for those who like to combine math with their magic.

Pagliacci continues to put out odd and often amusing posts. His most recent seem to be concentrating on David Copperfield.

MagiCentric is one of my favourite blogs, but Steve gets a little quiet from time to time. His last post was March 21.

Michael Ammar has a blog... but I think it still needs a few more posts in it. If he has a new one at a different address I'd sure appreciate it.

FreelyMental has possibly the dullest blog I've ever seen.

Lazy Magic isn't quite as lazy as many other magic bloggers and he keeps up a regular and interesting line of posts.

Mohana Thoughts has been infrequent of late, but when you consider that the author just had a bad scooter crash that resulted in a coma, it's understandable.

The Magician seems to have died out with it's last post on Feb 9.

Magic Muse has made one post, March 5... it's a start.

Magic Backstage seems to have brought down the curtain unexpectedly in November as did Magic Circle Jerk while Judge Whackster and Sleight Pub stopped posting in September.

Mark Jensen at Days of Whine and Neurosis hasn't posted since January 23, but when he posts, he posts! Possibly the only magic blog that is true to the ideals of the pure blog.

Magic Enigma is continuing to produce posts of the same quality he's generated since he began.

What's happened to Escamoteurettes? John's vanished since his February 28 post.

Chris Lloyd at Magic Tricks hasn't posted since he wished us a happy new year on January 1.

Comrade Conjuror hasn't posted since December, same story with the Sarcastic Magician.

But for every dozen magic blogs that disappear another one pops up to take their place... the latest addition to the world of magic blogging is Dean Atkinson. Welcome, and good luck!
