America's Got Lots of Magicians!
More Saw in store

New Magic Unlimited website on it's way!

Sorry for the less frequent posting over the last week or two.

With the amazing assistance of Brendan Croft I've been creating a new Magic Unlimited website in Joomla and it's unbelievably time consuming. So far it has over 300 pages of content (including over 100 pages for the Magic Unlimited artists we represent), and I'm still typing for anything from 4 to 14 hours a day.

The aim is to get the site up and running in about two weeks.

Ambitious, but doable...and it should be a marked improvement on our current FrontPage site (which, in turn, was a marked improvement of our previous Word website).

Anyway, I'll let you know when it's ready to be browsed and hopefully it will be much more functional, more attractive and less "home-made" than our current site.
