Magic Makers

Congratulations Cary

Cary, you are the lucky winner of our 2000th comment prize!

Just drop me an email with your mailing address and your selection of any one of our DVDs and I'll pop it in the post as a bonus Christmas present for you!

To all our commenters thanks for keeping this blog going. Blogs really die off quickly when nobody joins in the discussion. Plus, in all the excitement about the 2000th comment (well, it's exciting for me, and Cary, at least!) we passed over 205,000 views!

All I can do is to thank those who enjoy checking us out every day, and encourage you "lurkers" to post a few comments now and then too.

You may have noticed the new Lijit Search tool on the top right hand column. Not only is it an effective search engine, but it also lists the most popular search words and that helps me to know what you're interested in reading about.

So once again, thanks, and Cary... email me.. we have a DVD waiting for you!
