63 entries categorized "Weblogs"

New Year clean up

Thanks to Roland of WMF for tipping me off that my blog roll needs a bit of a refurbishment.

It seems that the world of magic bloggers is thinning itself out through natural attrition.

So it's goodbye to:


As they say in the classics, starting a blog is easy, maintaining it is hard.

Congratulations to those who keep on keeping on and, if you have any info regarding why any deleted blogs should be reinstated, please let me know.  [email protected] 







We have a winner!


Congratulations to Charlston for making the 3000th comment on this blog. What a way to start the new year.

Charlston, please drop me an email with your mailing address as we'd like to send you a free DVD as your special prize.

'This DVD comes from our range of Magic Unlimited merchandise (found here) and is the popular 'Ellis & Webster's Most Amazing Magic Volume 1'.


You can't have it both ways

One of the bloggers who decided to attack me last week in the wake of the 'Shape of My Heart' saga chose to accuse me (among many other things) of fighting piracy, yet breaching copyright. He gave an example of James Clark using the MPAA banner on his Magic Piracy site saying "MagicPiracy.org is really that stupid they stole a MPAA banner" (somehow that was a point against me) and then stated on his blog:

"The other day he [Tim] copy/pasted from my blog to his own.  He likes to say that people use the excuse I didnt know.  You all may notice that at the bottom of my page is a notice This blog copyright (XXXX); 2009 . All Rights Reserved.  It was there the whole time and yet Tim felt that he could take my words to his own site."

Two points: 1 - He doesn't understand copyright and the legal concept of fair use.

The 1961 Report of the Register of Copyrights on the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law cites examples of activities that courts have regarded as fair use: “quotation of excerpts in a review or criticism for purposes of illustration or comment;"

2 - Ironically, he had posted images taken from my site on his. He was happy to call James Clark "stupid" for doing so, and to berate me from taking from his blog, but he seemed to think the rules didn't apply to him.

So, like another magician did last week when this same blogger used one of his pictures without permission, I filed a DMCA removal request and isn't he upset now!

I've done the correct thing according to his earlier posts, I've acted correctly to stop someone using my copyrighted work without my permission, and now he's crying out as though he's been served the greatest injustice imaginable!

In the course of two hours he's made three posts about what an "a##hole" I am, how I threatened to "sue him" (no, I filed a DMCA complaint which simply requested he remove my copyright image, which he did), and claims I'm threatening his future as a blogger! As he said in his most recent post:

"If in any way Ellis threatening to sue for the use of a simple image of his face, has in any way effected you, or your a blogger, I highly recommend supporting EFF and Chilling Effects.  At the very least click on the banner below.  In a nutshell they stand for everything Ive stated here repetitively since this blog was created.  Admiration to all that agree."

So he wants protection from people quoting from his copyrighted blog, but also wants to be able to use other people's copyrighted photos with impunity?

He wants to be able to criticise people for using another company's logo on their website, but is mortally offended should the same criticism be levelled against him?

Here's a tip. Personally, I don't mind if anyone reproduces my images on their website. But if your website features a personal vendetta against me and my friends, then I'd prefer to exercise my right to stop you using them.

In other words, if you don't play nice I'll take away your toys.

Why is this guy back so soon?

Was it because the anonymous Cardman predicted it saying on his lovely blog "He will be back"?

Was it because Mago Mishell from Hermosillo in Mexico (writing as Mago Parra, Copefield and many other aliases) pleaded with me to come back so he could have "more fun"?
Was it because I have more to say on the Russ Stevens vs Shawn Farquhar debate?


It was because of the incredible support and words of encouragement I received here in the comments section, and in private emails to me. 

Yes, it hurts if someone you know and respect criticises you. Thankfully that hasn't happened in this case.

Instead I've been attacked by several anonymous bloggers (and one who at least has the courage to use his real name) because I didn't agree that Shawn Farquhar stole Russ Stevens act (and remember, I am only one of seven judges).

Everyone has now had their say and, if Russ truly feels Shawn has stolen his act (or his premise) then he needs to contact FISM and make a formal complaint, just as Ayala did last FISM regarding Sittah's use of one of his illusions.

So once again, thank you for helping me see the big picture. As entertainers we know how easy it is to get distracted by the one sour face in the audience... and you end up directing all your energy to them, trying to get them to like your show... then the rest of the audience who wants to see you misses out.

So.... here we go again!

A look back at 2008

It's been an interesting year. Filled with highs and lows as years tend to be, and we'll be taking a break from the blog for the next few days, returning on January 1, so with 396 posts since last January 1, I thought it might be a good chance to take a look at the year that was 2008.


It began for us with Jackie the Bandit joining us as Spark's new companion.

On TV we saw magic evolve into reality TV with Celebracadabra and The Next Uri Geller hitting screens in Germany (after it's success in Israel and the USA as Phenomenon), while here in Australia Gold Coast magician Christopher Wayne campaigned to get on Big Brother.

We turned our attention from Magic Fakers to Movie Fakers with crazy rip-off films like 'The DaVinci Treasure' and 'Snakes on a Train' like from The Asylum.


Sue-Anne and Lee Cohen headed off to do a show in Hong Kong, Sue-Anne and I headed off and to do a show in Bangkok, and Craig Mitchell headed off to the Blackpool Convention where his reports where praised for their honesty and criticised for their bluntness.

Australia said "Sorry" to the stolen generation, and a telemarketer told me about a new country called Alkbncd.


We presented two new shows for The Melbourne International Comedy Festival (Illusionarium and Something About Needles & Razorblades) and gave daily blog reports on the two week run.

On March 19 the screen of my HTC Touch cracked, and it only took until late August to get it repaired.

The web channel TV Magicians was launched, Penn Jillette appeared as a contestant on Dancing With The Stars, and Death Deying Acts hit cinemas with possibly the worst movie interpretation of Houdini ever.

We took on Dave J Castle and discovered yet another internet exposer of magic secrets, Simon Crack, while Tim Trono of Murphy's Magic made a lot of good points about the serious damage this sort of exposure can do to our art. Tony Blanco sent in a clip where a famous author stated his case against people who steal other people's work, and we illustrated with video how Lance Burton and Penn & Teller would agree that imitation isn't a form a flattery at all...

My post talking about having to take cigarette tricks out of my show was syndicated and appeared all over the internet on hundreds of other blogs and news websites, and Dan Harlan hit the news for all the wrong reasons.


We wrapped up our Comedy Festival season, and got a lot of publicity for something that never actually happened!

We had a visit from Danny Archer, FISM made an official statement about human rights in China, we posted some clips of Sue-Anne and I performing magic on the radio and this blog was nominated for Best Website of The Year!

We discussed options to fight the exposure of magic on the internet and went head to head with the leader of a major magic file sharing forum. James Clark joined the fight and actually got that same forum closed down!

We showed some clips from the British TV magic reality series The Sorcerer's Apprentice, and in the USA The Pendragons appeared on America's Got Talent.

And Telemarketers started getting really aggressive!


We were featured on the cover of Sight Magazine, and Sue-Anne was featured on the cover of Challenge Magazine.

The Australian Institute of Magic was officially incorporated, I did a hoax/magic show for the Education department as Dale Robbins, and petrol in Melbourne hit $1.62 a litre

And Telemarketers tried a new approach where they hung up on themselves!


Sue-Anne was interviewed on national radio, and we were both featured on the cover of Warcry Magazine.

I did another hoax/magic show, this one as Dr Francis Roberts Phd for the Department of Treasury, and Nicholas J Johnson staged the second monthly edition of Melbourne's own variety show The Catchpenny Club.

Micky Wyld appeared on Deal or No Deal, and Queenland Magician Scott Davies got through to the semi-final of Australia's Got Talent.

And Telemarketers got crazier and crazier...


Craig Mitchell travelled to Louisville and sent in daily reports of the action at the SAM/IBM Combined Convention.

The Dark Knight, in my opinion, was movie of the year!

We spoke about an Australian magician who takes what he likes from other people's acts, whether they give him permission or not.

And President Bush together with the European Union decided to send me a whole lot of money!


The Beijing Olympics gave us a taste of what to expect at FISM next year, big announcement was the upcoming Melbourne Magic Festival, with publicity in The Herald Sun and Disney Adventures.

We performed at an absolutely amazing private birthday party, and an even bigger corporate gig at Crown Casino, and Cosentino embarked on an Australia-wide tour with his new theatre show Threshold.

Sue-Anne and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary, and Melbourne magician Jade married his fiancee April before heading back to Malaysia to live.


The Melbourne Magic Festival took off with daily blog reports and more publicity in The Age, The Herald Sun, A Current Affair, and some great reviews. Meanwhile, motivational magician Dwayne Robbins emerged as a part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival and took everyone by storm.

Brendan Croft sent us this very inspiring magic video, our good friend Ali Bongo was elected President of The Magic Circle in London,

Sue-Anne won Best Actress at the Ignite Film Festival for her role in the short film Framed.

Our evil nemesis The Victorian Tourism Centre was finally tackled full on by Consumer Affairs.


We wrapped up the first ever Melbourne Magic Festival with over 3,000 people coming to see 58 performances of ten different shows!

Gold Coast Magician Troy Star started selling his new magic movie on DVD, The Masked Magician returned to TV in the USA with a whole series exposing everything from current illusions to marketed close up tricks, while Criss Angel began previews of his new live show at the Luxor in Las Vegas,

I had a great time at Mitcham Magic,  FISM released an excellent article on Music Rights For Magicians, and Optus finally sorted out the billing for the repair of my HTC Touch phone that broke back in March!

The Asylum brought out even more blatant rip-off movies including Death Racers, Sunday School Musical, and The Day The Earth Stopped.

I got the weirdest volunteer ever during a show in Horsham.

And the Telemarketers kept on trying...


This blog got our 2,000th comment, but it also had it''s most commented on post where I dared to complain about a magician (mentioned obliquely back in July) who was intentionally copying pieces from our show. Some people felt that I was wrong to "rock the boat" by mentioning it, while others backed me up and said his sort of behaviour is what really damages the magic community.

In a similar vein, the newly re-named Victorian Tourism Centre continued to scam people as well.

We found a great online Asperger's test, some great Christmas Gifts, an amazing clip of Jackie Chan performing Crazy Man's Handcuffs, and FISM 2009 released their list of guest artists.

Our good friend and magician David Birchall passed away.

And I had great fun with a Telemarketer who was determined to lie to me about where he was calling from.


We spoke about agents and percentages, Craig Mitchell treated us to a night out at Billy Elliott, and Simon Coronel brought GOB to life in Melbourne,

The Hocus Pocus Magic Exhibit opened here in Melbourne, and I did another two hoax/magic shows as Dennis Kale and Steve Taylor, and we solved the mystery of The Merlin Awards.

I discovered another magician using my name as keywords to activate his GoogleAds, and I gave a slice of the life of a magician at Christmas time.

Have a fantastic New Year and we'll see you again in January!

Welcome to our new readers

Over the last week or two I've noticed a rapid increase in the readership of this blog. On Wednesday we hit a new record with 1,729 hits in one day, so someone out there must find us interesting!

For those who've just discovered us, this blog has been going since May 2005 (you can check out the archives HERE) and we've had 1,376 posts and well over 2,000 comments... so get a comfy chair if you feel like exploring!

The blog is primarily an online diary of what we get up to in our day to day lives as magicians, things that catch my interest, movie reviews and opinions. The fact that people seem to visit day after day never ceases to amaze us.. but we are grateful!

Not everyone agrees with everything I say, nor should they. Sue-Anne's voice is heard quite a lot in the comments, and often she disagrees with me too but, whether it's a movie opinion, a comment about ethics in magic, or just someone wanting a soapbox, we usually publish the comments you send in because we believe everyone has a right to their opinion. (As we've discovered, there are usually about 36 sides to every argument too!)

This blog is not like the old 'Australian Magic Monthly' I used to crank out every month to service the magic community... for nine years... nine looong years...   (well ten years if you count AMM 2000 but I did have Sue-Anne as co-editor then so it wasn't nearly as hard). Instead of being structured with regular features, guest columnists or who's on listings, the blog is eclectic, rambling and unpredictable.

So if you want to find out what's happening in the world of Aussie magic, clubs, shows, lectures etc, you're best to go to this site instead).

If you're happy to explore then welcome. We hope you enjoy the ride!